Saturday, December 1, 2007

Acetone peroxide bomb

Duration: 00:34 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-04-16 13:43:43
User: jindraku
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acetone peroxide aceton peroxid explosive bomb AP tatp triactone triperoxide


Jacob69069 ::: Favorites  2007-04-29 19:18:58

Nice, how many grams n what casing.
jindraku ::: Favorites  2007-04-30 02:47:30

It was only 20 grams :) I will make bomb with 250 grams tatp :)
Jacob69069 ::: Favorites  2007-05-05 15:38:49

Thats ganna be something to see. I've been watchin your videos. They've been some help on see the power of AP. I'm tryin to move up from flash powder haha. And could you do a AP test with some Ammonium nitrate, cause i wanna know if its worth the power increase.
8685766 ::: Favorites  2007-05-24 16:41:56

how do u make it
quetiapine ::: Favorites  2007-05-30 09:13:57

Dude, AP is a VERY BAD stuff. I would recommend you not to play such games. When I was 15 I was also having fun with it and got one of my fingers severe multilated.
coilgunner2 ::: Favorites  2007-05-31 18:46:18

250 grams! =0 thats gonna be awesome! dont hurt yourself or anything though.
thelaughingjackle ::: Favorites  2007-06-05 20:35:00

be sure not to store it all in one area, or try making ANAP by buying an instant ice pack for ammonium nitrate, much safer to handle than the unholy demon that is AP
fatmike01 ::: Favorites  2007-06-10 16:55:02

exactly,i dont think alot of unexperienced people understand the dangers with this explosive, It is extremely sensitive, especially in larger quantities. Your are foolish if you want to try and handle large quantities of AP, there are so many more explosives you should be considering before this.
Savagebutchery666 ::: Favorites  2007-06-12 17:00:47

TATP would probably blow up in your hands but awesome AP bomb man!
trx636 ::: Favorites  2007-08-08 08:59:00

TATP ain't that bad... :P
peterene ::: Favorites  2007-08-15 10:01:48

Pěkné :-) , ale proč používáš tatp? vždiť hmtd má 2* nižší citlivost k nárazu a v praxi je nepatrně účinější .A přidám trochu invence - zkus míchat tyto peroxidy s hexaminem - v poměru 1:1 sníží se tím citlivost , zvýší účinost a hlavně vždy bude krásně vydět záblesk.
Killforfood ::: Favorites  2007-08-29 00:51:06

Great video. Really demonstrates the power of AP
ggggggggggggggggfhfh ::: Favorites  2007-08-30 06:33:20

see i don't know what people are talking about tatp isn't that unstable. it will only detonate if u whack it with a hammer when it is really dry or if heat is applied other than this it's fine i have dropped charges i had one where the fuse failed half way and i threw it at a tree 30 meters a way and it was fine..
Koolade162 ::: Favorites  2007-09-05 15:46:32

Wow! Not bad.
Ulti13 ::: Favorites  2007-09-09 09:42:14

da hät das band au net viel gebracht^^

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