Thursday, February 21, 2008


Duration: 00:31 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-26 00:19:15
User: Chikiyosweet

-No te huele algo raro? Si hombre, apesta... -De donde viene? Yo no se... -Mejor nos movemos... Si, vamos...


ralugeradan  2008-02-19 16:20:04

en que fecha se publico este comercial??? al guien sabe
gejotape  2008-02-11 03:19:30

Plaza General San Martín :)
gejotape  2008-02-11 03:18:50

La publicidad esta fue filmada en Argentina en la Plaza General San Martí, de Buenos Aires. El edificio que se ve atrás es el Kavanagh.
iriansama  2008-02-10 00:04:10

jajajajajaaajaja no lo vi venir!!! jajajajajaja
vienitta  2008-02-05 16:55:25

jajajajajajajjajajajaja XD giiiiuuuuuk!!!

Doctor Who -Last Night on Earth (a DOOMSDAY video)

Duration: 04:08 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-03-23 08:30:08
User: JJWill

doctor | who | rose | tyler | tennant 


And if tomorrow never comes i want you to know right now that i, im gonna love you until the day i die. IM GONNA LOVE YOU LIKE ITS MY LAST NIGHT ON EARTH.


EnchantedHuntress  2007-11-26 06:45:49

Absolutely great!Congrats!I'm gonna go watch "Doomsday" again right now!Keep up the good work!
PacmanLizzy  2007-07-04 13:34:03

Honestly, great editing, great song, great place to put speech!
PacmanLizzy  2007-06-10 09:05:29

That was so good! Makes me feel sad that rose is gone .
IAmADalek  2007-05-30 05:46:39

I loved it! The song is just perfect, as quirkyoppossum said just watch when you're putting Dialog over music as it can get hard to hear. Other thant that its a great video and I love it!
xROSExTYLERx  2007-05-11 01:54:49

This sog is perfect i rlly wanted but cant find mistaken identity (dam it) great vid

Maneating Lions attack

Duration: 03:31 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-19 20:54:59
User: ee01akk2

Lion | attack | maneaters | maneating | Tsavo 


2 maneaters prowl the railroad bridge of Tsavo.


setheurovision94  2008-01-30 12:08:36

Yes, that's more like it! The actual scene from this movie, my favourite scene. This scene, brutal and bloody though it is, I find really haunting and, yes, even beautiful. It's excellently filmed and produced - that lion really makes you feel humble..

Only the strongest will survive - Dark Messiah

Duration: 04:45 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-01-09 13:33:07
User: horos3

Dark | Messiah | fight | sword | magic 


The first work on windows video maker !!!! Have FUN !!!! ;)


sparks12001  2008-02-17 06:22:01

cool looks sorta like morrowind not as pretty as oblivion somewhere in between with a better physics engine
sparks12001  2008-02-17 06:19:10

dark messaiah of might and magic? i got might and magic the complete sets from 1992 to 2000 all the games in a boxed set
grazviss1  2008-02-08 09:33:35

Fuck Fucking Russians i bought da game its awesome but fucking russian :@
sk8sharker  2007-12-22 16:13:06

you can buy DM in the shop. i'm 13 and i've bought it :)
NotreDamefan777  2007-12-21 17:06:25

It's coming out on the xbox 360 on january 10th.

unbreak my heart

Duration: 00:32 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-26 14:06:47
User: princesskylie16

Pop |


comment subscribe


goody2shoes200394  2008-01-31 07:46:01

brillaint def the best
FunkyFi85  2008-01-28 17:51:33

This ones my favourite you have a really good voice. luv Fi

new house tour part 3

Duration: 02:57 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-03-15 22:20:06
User: awrittensin

house | tour 


the basement



北斗の拳 予告ナレーションの変遷(トリビアの泉)

Duration: 06:17 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-01-03 10:01:00
User: falconchai



shinkaiakikazu  2008-02-11 10:27:41


Lawrence "Larry Watson": A Little Help From Heaven

Duration: 09:58 minutes
Upload Time: 2006-09-17 15:45:00
User: skelly72

lawrence | larry | watson | black | african 


Larry Watson performing live at the Berklee Performance Center, Boston MA



Lazio-Real Madrid 2-2

Duration: 00:12 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-10-06 02:07:14
User: dinamopiojo

Lazio-Real | Madrid | 2-2 


Lazio-Real Madrid 2-2



Chemtrails in the UK part 2

Duration: 00:50 minutes
Upload Time: 2008-02-16 05:55:55
User: noisecape

few days after the other vid, just wanted to ONCE AGAIN point out the biggest smoking gun of Chemical Trails, which is that they are NOT contrails and bear NONE of the characteristics of Contrails or vapour trails. What you are seeing is a regular contrail, NOTE HOW IT FADES AWAY QUICKLY!! Then I show you a chemtrail that has been up there for roughly 2 hours... Seriously, how can anyone even attempt to deny this?


syntaxcs  2008-02-17 06:22:54

Stupid double posts, youtube crashed on me...... Sorry, i'm bordering on spamming now :P (P.S do you have tf2 yet?)
syntaxcs  2008-02-17 06:17:08

Are you sure they're 'chemtrails'.....or is this some sort of term i don't know about?! I know that's not the point of the video, but, i've got a feeling that what you're seeing is effectively cloud formation due to the high pressures formed when air passes at high speed over the wingtip. . .Nothing really chemical about them? :D
noisecape  2008-02-16 20:59:15

thanks :) ill check it out
gnoseologist  2008-02-16 15:23:26

see new article "Aerosolized Powder Contrails?" at DANDELION SALAD