Duration: 03:00 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-12-08 15:17:42
User: MonkeylessJohn
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There are some songs that I simply have to sing, and this is one of them. I've never quite got over this song since I first heard it on Rickie's Pirates Album years and years ago.
I am sorry if this hurts you to listen to, but ,trust me, it just about kills me to sing it. Here are the lyrics.
She was pregnant in May
Now they're on their way
Dashing thru the snow
To St. John's, here we go
Well, it could be a boy
But it's okay if he's girl
Oh, these things that grow out of
The things that we give
We should move to the west side
They still believe in things
That give a kid half a chance
When he pulled off the road
Step in a waltz of red moon-beams
Said he fit an APB,
A robbery nearby
And he go for his wallet
And they thought he was going for a gun
And the cops blew Bird away
Some kids like watching Saturday cartoons
Some girls listen to records all day in their rooms
But what do birds leave behind, of the wings that they came with
If a son's in a tree building model planes?
Comments |
MonkeylessJohn ::: Favorites 2008-01-27 10:34:50
Thank-you very much. It's one of my favourites of Rickie's too. __________________________________________________ |
jroo2k6 ::: Favorites 2008-01-27 03:47:13
One of my Fave RLJ songs. Great cover. __________________________________________________ |
MonkeylessJohn ::: Favorites 2008-01-10 14:59:31
Hi and thank-you very much for this wonderful comment.
I fell in love with Rickie way back when I first listened to her Pirates Album. Her voice and emotional presentation just blew me away. Every song was great!!
Skeletons is a masterpiece!!! I still cannot listen to it or sing it withought feeling the emotion in this song!!
I believe that Rickie had a friend with the nickname Bird, but I'm not absolutely sure.
Thanks again for listening __________________________________________________ |
4202cvinc ::: Favorites 2008-01-10 08:50:57
Wow,amazing performance. I have heard so few of Rickie's songs covered much less done as well as you did. This is the most emotion filled song EVER written and performed. Rickie could crack her voice and bring laughter in the next moment. I have read years ago that this was based on true events involving some of Rickie's friends. __________________________________________________ |
MonkeylessJohn ::: Favorites 2007-12-14 07:31:17
Hi Deb. I feel the same way about this song.
Thanks for the nice comment:) __________________________________________________ |