Thursday, October 25, 2007

Bottle Water Lie-pt 2

Duration: 10:16 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-02 13:41:22
User: donovonc
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The soft drink giant Pepsi has been forced to make an embarrassing admission -- its best-selling Aquafina bottled water is nothing more than tap water. Pepsi has agreed to change its label under pressure from the advocacy group Corporate Accountability International (CAI) which has been leading an increasingly successful campaign against bottled water. We look at the economic and environmental costs of the bottled water industry with CAI's Gigi Kellett and freelance journalist Michael Blanding.


PlanetThoughts ::: Favorites
The bottled water taste is a bit better than some people's tap water, but at what price to the environment? Plastic bottles in the ocean, billions of bottles tossed away annually, and they do not decay. And as mentioned, privatizing and raising the price of water is a disaster in the making.
07-10-16 02:53:25
nickvanzetti ::: Favorites
wtf? my tap water taste like shit! what about chloride and flouride? i don't trust the tap water. at the same time should i trust coke and pepsi? how ridiculus this world is, i have to now worry about such a simple thing like Water
07-09-17 20:08:49
tony76ms ::: Favorites
Everybody knows its filtered tap water. These guys are complete idiots. Do a blind taste test and I guarantee people will choose Aquafina over tap. What a bunch of stupid nerdy fucks.
07-08-03 00:31:40
HomoGeneIous ::: Favorites
WE THE PEOPLE, DEMAND IMPEACHMENT BACK on the TABLE, ANY TABLE, but "BRING IT ON" Impeach the God Dammed CRIMINALS!!! Impeach the God Dammed CRIMINALS!!! STOP FUNDING the IRAQ DISASTER!!! STOP FUNDING the IRAQ DISASTER!!! Enough with "Stay the Course"...enough with "New DIRECTION". Just STOP funding this nonsense and GOD DAMMIT, just DO IT!!! "We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." - A Einstein
07-08-02 18:32:29

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