Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Bill & Hillary Clinton: Their Secret Life - #09 of 12

Duration: 09:26 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-08-25 15:51:46
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Hillary Clinton Socialist Communist, Hillary Clinton Socialist Communist, Hillary Clinton Socialist Communist, Hillary Clinton Socialist Communist. This documentary, entitled Bill Clinton: His Life, came out in 2004, right about the same time as the autobiography, Bill Clinton: My Life. It takes a good, hard look at the dirty dealings of both Bill and Hillary Clinton but, for some reason never achieved the popularity of Michael Moore's fantasy film, Fahrenheit 911. This movie has been thoroughly suppressed by our left-wing media to the point that it's not listed on IMDb, nor can you find anything about it through a Google search. Hopefully that will change now that it's been made available on YouTube. Watch and learn how the Clintons turned the White House into a headquarters for organized crime, communist spying and murder, all while the Clinton-friendly media kept the public distracted by focusing on a few of Slick Willy's petty sexual encounters. Hillary Clinton Socialist Communist, Hillary Clinton Socialist Communist, Hillary Clinton Socialist Communist, Hillary Clinton Socialist Communist.


cbrimmer ::: Favorites
Make sure you take the time to watch "Hillary Uncensored" Top Ranking Google Video when you're done with this. Almost 900,000 views to date.
07-10-22 23:52:56
TMWKK ::: Favorites
This documentary, Bill Clinton: His Life, has just been added to the Internet Movie Database (IMDb) It's finally starting to get its much-needed exposure. Anybody who doesn't want to see Billary in the White House again should leave ratings and comments there as well as right here. The more ratings and comments, the higher exposure it will get so more and more people will see it!
07-10-20 13:37:23
cbrimmer ::: Favorites
Ron Paul will not win the primary. And unfortunately, his reputation will not lend credence to this excellent video. Nor would he ever stand a chance of winning the general against Clinton. There are a few things on which I agree with him, but he would be a disaster as POTUS. I haven't decided who I will vote for, but it will not be Ron Paul. Sorry.
07-10-18 19:00:25
TMWKK ::: Favorites
I realize he doesn't stand a chance of winning, but I don't pick winners. I vote with my heart or not at all. If Ron Paul wasn't running I wouldn't bother to vote. The man believes in personal Freedom, the U.S. Constitution and the Bill of Rights. He also wants to seal our borders and stop funding Israel's never-ending competition with Islam for world domination. Those things are good enough for me.
07-10-18 19:27:20
cbrimmer ::: Favorites
Israel is not competing with Islam for world domination. However, Islamists ARE competing with Western Civilization. They want the Jews out of Israel so they can have their caliphate and control the entire ME. Do you know anything at all about Islam?
07-10-18 19:56:50
TMWKK ::: Favorites
I know all about Islam and I know about Israel too. We should send all of the Zionist Jews in America to the Middle East and let 'em fight it out amongst themselves with no help from US. If the world is lucky they'll destroy each-other and let the rest of us go about our business.
07-10-18 20:18:33
cbrimmer ::: Favorites
Good God! Besides the fact that your response smacks of anti-Semitism, I certainly hope you plan on getting the tree huggers to stop interfering with our attempts to make ourselves energy-independent. Plus, w/o the Jews in Israel, the Islamists would use their oil resources to blackmail every country that is dependent on those resources. Saudia Arabia would join Iran in this & you'd find yourself submitting to Allah.
07-10-19 00:42:11
TMWKK ::: Favorites
Dems and Repubs each have their own rhetoric. I subscribe to neither. We can expose Muslims as the plague that they are, but make the slightest critical reference to Jews, heads snap around and people start screaming "anti-semite!"? As for your predictions on what the Islamists would do if...well, that's just conjecture. I believe if we stayed sovereign and stopped meddling in other countries' affairs, we could take care of ourselves quite nicely, thank you.
07-10-19 09:07:21
cbrimmer ::: Favorites
These people can never be allowed to occupy the White House again. This series is excellent - especially for young voters who were in their teens when all of this happened. Thanks to the MSM, the info is being suppressed. You will notice that everything is well-documented in this series.
07-10-18 16:43:52
TMWKK ::: Favorites
Exactly why I posted it! If those two Commie Crooks lose the 2008 election, I'd love to think that I was part of the reason. I'm an American who believes in Freedom. Communism fails wherever it's enacted. Our free-market society is in grave danger from this new, strong wave of Communist influence that has permeated our news and entertainment media. Young voters are so confused, they don't know right from wrong. Ron Paul in 2008!
07-10-18 18:19:13

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