Saturday, April 12, 2008

Spam Drive

Duration: 02:01 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-09-26 22:51:00

Ron Paul spammers, huh? You want Spam? We'll show you spam.


theropingeffect  2008-03-30 03:46:30

How did this thread go from Spam to Jesus so fast? Can we get back to the topic of Ron Paul and the spammers?
1q1q21  2008-03-03 13:26:12

Christians. The endless message of tolerance is the worlds way to get us to accept sin. Voicing disagreement is not hate. Amos 3:3. Christianity is not equal to political correctness.
osullivan85  2008-01-10 20:34:58

you have no idea what you are even talking about, you're not making any sense and you are obviously a half-wit. Yay Christianity, yay America, yay Democracy! If Jesus does come back, believe me, you will be one of the people he will be dissatisfied with by making a hateful mockery of his name. Hate and Jesus = not synonymous.
osullivan85  2008-01-10 20:33:45

First of all, I am not Jewish, nor do I have a problem with them because they're just like you and I. Second of all, Satan doesn't exist. Third, I am an atheist. Fourth, I am a citizen of the Republic of Ireland so I could care less about what you think you know about democracy (which doesn't exist in the USA anyways, you numpty). Fifth, nobody is carrying my load for me, thank you very much. You're making things worse, believe me.
CORP7USA7IS7BK  2008-01-10 17:32:42

i dont care what you are happy being a jewish kid of satan satan worshiper by proxy. that is fine. I live free with all my rights. you suck off of the NATIONAL SOCIALIST DEFACTO DEMOCRACY CORPPORATION USA. I opted out because I do not like carrying the worthless loads of others such as yourself.

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