Thursday, November 22, 2007

Brice Herron first cheeseburger

Duration: 02:21 minutes
Upload Time: 2007-06-23 00:26:10
User: dhsteeler26
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Brice (almost 6 years old) decided a few days ago that he wanted to try a Mcdonald's cheeseburger. The ONLY time Brice tried meat was age 2 and he literally gagged as soon as he took a bite. At times he has demanded that he sit away from the rest of the family because the "smell" of our food made him gag. When the video starts he is telling me not to film him. I put the camera on the table in front of him but he didn't notice that it was still on (Brooke did). Watch as he stalls with the french fries and questions. The first bite he takes is nothing but a few crumbs of bread from the bun. After he takes his first real bite he immediately wants a drink to get rid of the taste I'm sure. As he starts to take a drink watch his eyes. He notices the camera is on and then lets me have it! Unfortunately the tape ran out, but we continued to laugh for quite a while. He eventually ate 1/2 of the cheeseburger, but I don't think he will be asking for another one anytime soon.


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